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March 12, 2006


Thankfully I seem to be immune. I'm a sysadmin at heart, and a manager only because it's the only way to keep other people from interfering in what I'm doing.

But the most glamorous part of being a sysadmin is the times when you get to be the cow's proctologist...most of the time you're focused on shovelling the manure. It helps to keep the one person the computer is compelled to regard as all-powerful and God-like humble.

I was a "Rick's Ranger" while at Chapters during the height of it existence, right b4 the indigo era. Rick, you might not have believed that being "in charge" was a big deal (I remember you saying over and over again the we were "delivering books, NOT kidneys so relax!") and I agree with you 100%, but most people @ Chapters took it seriously because really looked up to and believed in you! I was asked by my fellow employees on more then one occasion to just sit in on a meeting with you, because they were to intimidated to be in your presence alone (seriously). You see, we all thought Chapters was going to be the Canadian Amazon and we would all be rich! I had $80,000.00 in options at one point. I have since learned that you can't eat stock options! Talking to ex-Chapters alumni, the Chapters experience to most of us was probably as close as we were going to get to what you experienced while @ MS and I believe that's due to the culture you demanded. So go a head and keep your ego in check but be sure to not let your modesty show too much on the outside because people need a leader!

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