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March 16, 2007


"MSDN Canada Code Awards 2006" should read "MSDN Canada Code Awards 2007". As an aside, what's the point of using an image for such a basic title and background?

Is this the answer:

The top banner says "MSDN Canada Code Awards 2006"

That would be my guess...except they started accepting nominations back in November, so maybe they are recognizing for the previous year?

Are you kidding me trextor, you posted 2 minutes before me!? haha

I will take a wild guess. The rules state that:

"Entries must have been developed using primarily Microsoft® software and hardware. While 100-percent use of Microsoft software and hardware is not required, the solution should showcase Microsoft-based technologies."

Yet, they are promoting the contest with an animation in Adobe Flash.

Thanks for the feedback..... my response is here:

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